Svenska Skogsindustrierna / Ekoportal 2035

Creating stories
to attract funding
and market interest


Advanced technology & science need stories in order to become tangible and inspiring opportunities that attract both funding and market interest. The Swedish Forest Industry needed to do just that. Therefore, tasking us with taking R&D of new technologies and materials and shaping them into powerful end-use applications to draw commercial interest from the industry, students, politicians, financing institutions and entrepreneurs. Ultimately, decreasing the time to market for new materials and technology by conceptualising how forest products could be used in everyday items of the future.


To support the Swedish Forest Industry vision and attract capital for long-term forest resource product development projects, we created a platform in order to visualise a future with forest-based renewable resources at the core. Solving for potential needs, scenarios and challenges of the future. Turning to the latest research in the area, and using current frontline experts within R&D in prioritised segments, we conducted innovation workshops where future opportunities based on insight into consumer needs and brand challenges, were conceptualised and visualised. The project enabled stakeholders to look at the industry and forest resources in a new light. The potential applications were contextualised in concepts as, the gas station of 2035, fashion 2035 and the home 2035. Each theme offering both visual and conceptual scenarios through products made out of renewable resources from the forest.

If you want to know more, contact Liselotte Tingvall.